Anytime you bring up anything paranormal here you are going to be dog piled. It is the old "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me mentality.
Last night on the show "Ghost Hunters" they got some pretty good footage of the paranormal and these guys are skeptics. There are too many variables in your experiences, especially when children are involved. The Borg did cultivate an unhealthy fear of anything paranormal.
What I would deal with above all is the fear. Whatever is causing it can not hurt you or the children. It may seem impossible to ignore it. I would acknowledge that the child thinks they seen or heard something, validate their feelings, and end it. Give them power over it. Refocus on something safe and tangible.
I am in no way negating what you have experienced. You just need to take control of it and don't be afraid. If you truly sense that spirits are in your home, you just tell them to get out, they don't belong there. I am very sensitive and always have been. I have dreams that come true, amazing ones too. I had one recently that was incredible. It was a type of premonition experience and was validated because I told my husband about it, and it happened several hours later, unexpectedly. Very powerful.
I am all for looking for scientific explanations. Sometimes I think Einstein had something on the parallel universe theory. The String Theory is interesting. I do believe in spirits. I also am fairly convinced that some people hang around after they die. I believe in angels. It is easy for me because I have experienced them and have had tangible validation in different ways.
Folks need to attack the concept, not the personal experience. No one deserves to be negated after surviving the borg. Love~Kate